The Real Electric Sitar
All about this amazing instrument and the fussion between East And West Music
All began when Ravi Shankar and George Harrison had their first meetings. Shankar offered Harrison his knowledge about sitar and indian music, if he compromise to have a serious study of it. Shankar didn't want the hippie movement to distort the essence of indian music and the effort you must dedicate to this sacred music.
George Harrison was the first one who introduced the sitar into pop-rock music.
In the 60s, Vinnie Bell introduced the first "electric sitar" trough Danelectro, but it was more a guitar than a sitar.
Niladri Kumar has invented recently the Zitar, that is a real sitar with electric sound. Niladri Kumar is actually recognised as the main electric sitar player.
We can see influences of indian music in a lot of rock and jazz musicians, like John McLaughlin or Steve Vai.
This page will try to make a research of news related to electric sitar.
My name is Santiago Pigmalión, and I am a multiinstrumentist with an electric sitar. I am actually studying indian music, and soon I will incorporate some of my "musical experiments" with indian music into my songs.
Thanks for checking out, following and sharing my music!!! 😊